We offer you the best high - quality products for UHV and vacuum-components

The vacuum components are essential parts and therefore represent the whole connection in every vacuum chamber. Especially the flange components are essential for the function of every vacuum system: They connect the individual vacuum components and are therefore required in every vacuum system. Working with the vacuum system itself places high demands: On one hand the processing of material, on the other hand the high-quality and professional design of the respective components.

Metallic Flex is your reliable supplier for high-quality and professional components for working with vacuum chambers. Discover also our wide range of products for high-performance devices – products all related to modern vacuum technology, including high vacuum and ultra - high vacuum (UHV) components. But that's not all: We offer effective solutions such as membrane bellows, UHV manipulators as well as angle valves for vacuum – for the reliable movement, sealing and introduction of your samples into the vacuum chamber.

Our Major Product Range

The sum of all parts: We have high standards of our vacuum components

In general, a vacuum chamber is a hermetically sealed container from which air and other gases are extracted with the use of a pump. Application areas could be: research of materials and coating of products through depositing materials in a vacuum. In all of these fields there is a strong need for reliable and high - quality components.

Roughly speaking, the production or research equipment consists of the following components:

Metallic Flex: Trust the Expert for modern and innovative vacuum components

With a product portfolio of over more than 1000 products, which are manufactured individually and according to given requirements, we have been able to establish ourselves for over 20 years as a major player of high - quality vacuum technology and bellows. As a result, we are now one of the leading suppliers of vacuum components.

Convince yourself, browse through the following pages – and send us your inquiry for vacuum components such as membrane bellows, flange components, fittings, vacuum chambers, UHV manipulators, vacuum feedthroughs or sputtering targets. Our qualified and experienced team is here to help and to advise you.